Andrew faridani

Andrew Faridani
BreezeMaxWeb, President & CEO
A graduate of York University, Andrew is the President and CEO of BreezeMaxWeb®. With over 15 years of experience in the online marketing industry, Andrew’s passion lies in branding and developing strategies, processes, and building the required infrastructure necessary to nurture collaborative online media solutions.

Marketing Communications and Shared Values
The importance of communication
Marketing communications are clearly central to RM. Duncan and Moriarty (1998), for example, argue that trust and commitment are products of communication, concluding that ‘Relationships…are impossible without communication’. It is tempting to view marketing communications as a systems issue rather than one of shared values. It should become clear, however, that the key to successful RM communications is the integration of the various messages transmitted and received by the organization. It is the shared values that provide the basis for such integration, providing a set of guiding principles that temper the collective voice of the organization. Before looking at how this can be done, however, we will look at the range of elements that comprise marketing communications.